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No Limits raises concerns about the impact of lockdown on children and young people

6th May 2020

No Limits has supported hundreds of children and young people since the suspension of face to face services in mid-March. We have seen a huge shift to digital channels as children and young people seek help via webchat, video support, telephone and email. Our Youth Workers have been providing support with many issues – particularly around housing, emotional wellbeing, relationships and income. 

We’re concerned about the impact of the lockdown, particularly on vulnerable children and young people and we’re preparing for increased demand on our services as soon as the lockdown is over, with the additional challenges of operating within social distancing guidelines. 

We are, however, proud of all the services we’re currently delivering through digital channels including counselling, support groups (eg.young carers), sexual health and its drugs and alcohol service.

Natalie Webb, CEO at No Limits, said I am proud to be working with a team of dedicated and passionate staff who have such an unwavering focus on meeting the needs of children and young people. We anticipate huge demand for our services as we move out of lockdown and will ensure we can meet this demand both digitally and face to face, where possible.” 

Children and young people can speak to a trained No Limits Youth Worker by phoning 02380 224 224, emailing or by starting a web chat at 


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