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Active30 – Challenge Complete!

3rd July 2023

Friday was the 30th and final day of our Active30 challenge where throughout June, our team of fundraisers had been making time each day to get active, helping us to continue offering vital, life-changing support to young people across Hampshire.

The 30-day challenge, taking place in June to mark No Limits’ 30th birthday, saw fundraisers start their minimum of 30 minutes daily activity on a sunny Thursday, with good conditions for exercise – sunny, but not too warm – however, by the second full week of the month, temperatures had risen, the air had thickened and the pollen count grew higher, making exercise every day even more of a challenge.

But, our fundraisers persevered through the searing heat and busy schedules. While 30 minutes of exercise on one day may not seem like much, the real challenge was finding time and energy every single day no matter what.

No Limits’ Ambassador, Ellisha-Jade White even got involved, trying out different activities and raising awareness on her Instagram:

In total, over £1,700 has been raised by our fundraisers. A huge thank you to the team for their hard work and to everyone who has donated, making this a brilliant challenge. If you’d still like to donate to our Active30 Challenge, you can do so here: No Limits Active30 – JustGiving


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