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Sasha’s Story

4th March 2022

This Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we want young people to know that there is help out there and that recovery is possible. Sasha, who suffered from anorexia nervosa between the ages of 13-17, shared his story of an eating disorder and recovery with us in the hope that his experience might help others in similar situations.

I suffered from anorexia nervosa between the ages of 13-17. When I was young in school I wanted to lose weight due to being teased. This was a process that did not seem to end. I was in and out of hospital over the span of the 2 years, even being admitted under section. When first admitted to hospital I remember thinking what the hell am I doing here, and that everyone was against me. I was so adamant that I was wrongly admitted that I became blind to who I really was, and my illness was so strong I damaged my relationship with family and felt very alone. I couldn’t see an end in sight and feared this may have been my future for the rest of my life.

However, after being re-admitted, something clicked during my second stay. I can’t put a finger on what it was or when it was exactly that things changed but, I soon started thinking clear, and for me, ultimately, I realised that I must change if I want to live the rest of my life how I wanted to. If I wanted to chase my goals & dreams I needed to be healthy and fit, and I was far from it. I had my future in sight & started seeing hope, seeing a life I wanted to live. I became much happier & healthier. I was allowed to do the things I enjoyed again, such as sports, going to the gym & socialising with friends.

Fast forward to present day & I am living my best life, with big plans for the future. I’ve lived in 3 different countries and done a vast amount of travelling since my illness and would never have thought it would have been possible. I have learnt a lot from my illness and can clearly see how ill & unhealthy I was and that it wasn’t the right way of thinking/living.

If I could say something for others going through what I went through I would simply say please do not give up. You simply cannot give up. Bad days are inevitable, but do not let these days get in the way of the road to recovery. Were all human and having bad days is fine but things will get better, I promise. There will be one day in the future when you look back at this time and recognise your illness and see how much healthier and happier you are now.

You may feel lost and trapped but those around you are trying to help you to live your best life. It is just a matter of time. Going through what I went through has made me appreciate time more and made me realise that life is precious, and you just can’t give up. This applies to everything. Giving up is so easy but keeping at it and working hard is something beautiful and leads to greater things in your life. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just a matter of time till you reach it.

You WILL get through this and please do not feel like you’re alone. Those around you care so don’t be afraid to speak to someone.

If you, or someone you know, need support, No Limits is here to help. Our friendly Youth Workers are on hand to help you on your journey to getting the support that’s right for you. Get in touch with us or check our our self-help resource page about eating disorders.


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