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No Limits to open new group for children with learning difficulties

8th April 2019

We have been awarded funding from Southampton City Council to open a new, weekly group for 8-11 year olds with learning difficulties and/or autism. Sessions will be fun and full of activities like cooking, playing games, watching films, arts and crafts, and trips. The children will also take part in supportive discussions and learning around specific issues they’re facing.

The funding also allows us to continue delivering support to young people aged 11-18 who have learning disabilities and/or autism. The support group, Time 4 U, is a safe place for young people to socialise and have fun, while being supported to deal with some of the specific changes they face in their lives.

Jake Heath, Inclusion and Participation Project Manager, said “It’s great news that we’re able to extend our support for young people with learning difficulties through Time 4 U. We have a vibrant group which can now continue and it’s exciting to be able to start a new group for a younger age range.”

Children and young people who are registered with the BUZZ network can be referred to the groups by emailing or by phoning 02380 224224.


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