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No Limits thanks local companies as demands for services soar

27th November 2018

With an 81% increase in the number of young people coming to the charity with mental health issues over the last year, No Limits today thanked the growing number of local businesses who support the charity. Natalie Hutchins, Fundraising Officer, said “More now than ever, young people are turning to No Limits for help. It is fantastic that more local companies are helping us meet this growing need and we are very grateful to them all. Any support, however small, is welcome and goes directly to helping young people in Southampton help themselves.”

Recent support has included a rounders tournament, match-funded by Santander Bitterne which raised a total of £1,135 for No Limits’ COSMO service, which provides support for children of substance misusers. Santander Bitterne Branch Manager Chris Vallis spoke of how “the money will make a massive difference in supporting those that need it”.

Also, Southampton’s In Balance Hot Yoga studio raised £470 for No Limits from a Yoga open day with classes, workshops and talks around healthy eating, mindfulness and meditation. Yoga teacher and body and mind coach expert, Benedita Sousa, said “We were very pleased to support No Limits being a local Charity that is very much involved with the community. It was also important that we would be able to support a charity that supports children with their mental health as yoga plays a big role in improving people’s mental health. We are looking forward to our next event and supporting No Limits further.”


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