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New mental health support group for young women in Southampton
8th October 2019
Local youth charity, No Limits has been awarded with funding from the Tampon Tax Fund to deliver a new mental health support group for vulnerable young women aged 16-25.
No Limits will help to tackle the rising mental health need by providing a weekly support group for young women, targeting young women with a range of vulnerabilities and particularly those who are from BAME backgrounds, those who have experience of violence and/or insecure housing.
Maria Slevin, Service Manager at No Limits, said “we’re thrilled to be awarded with funding to support young women with their mental health. 1 in 4 young women suffer with a mental health condition, which is why it’s so important for young people to reach out and access support.”
The new service (or insert project name) will run (insert day and times). To find out more, phone 02380 224 224, email enquiries@nolimitshelp.org.uk or visit: www.nolimitshelp.org.uk