Our Advice Centre is open today from 10:00am – 8:00pm

Making Time for Young Carers
15th March 2023
It’s Young Carers Action Day and the theme is Make Time for Young Carers.
During our Young Carers sessions, we asked them whether they feel listened to about the issues they face due to their carer role and what people can do to make more time for young carers. Here’s what they had to say:
Do you feel listened to about the issues you face due to your caring role?
- Yes, my school know and so do my entire family
- My Mum listens to me and my friends and my mentor
- I have no problems with talking about my caring role.
- I keep it to myself.
- My school knows but they just brush it off and tell me to get on with it. I don’t really talk about anything.
- My family listen to me because of my carer role
- Yes, I feel listened to, however, what is difficult is the majority of people do not understand which means that I will often keep my feelings and problems to myself.
- Yes, the staff at Young Carers listen to me, the surveys that they do to make sure you’re okay, and my Mum listens to me
How can people make more time for Young Carers?
- More time to come to activities.
- People can make more time for young carers by having more awareness brought to us young carers in order for people to become more understanding.
- Play more games
- I would like more Young Carers sessions
- More time to have a break from people
- Just for school to know that I’m a young carer
- I would like some more time at young carers to get more time to get listened to.
- Coming away from the house more and staying out of drama.
- I feel like they need to make more time for young carers in general
- By not booking things over young carers sessions otherwise the carers won’t be able to go
We’ve also been making time for our Young Carers by doing lots of fun activities with them, like bowling and abseiling! – Check out our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @nolimitshelp for some photos!