Our Advice Centre is open today from 10:00am – 8:00pm

Eloise’s Story
26th June 2020
Earlier this month, Eloise* got in touch with us as she had been feeling anxious about returning to school. Whilst she was looking forward to seeing her friends again, she was worried about what the new normal would look like and the pressure of change.
Eloise joined one of our Zoom support sessions where we offered support and techniques on how to relax when feeling anxious, as well as an opportunity to discuss topics including peer pressure, emotions and self-esteem. Eloise felt more relaxed as the session went on and was able to talk about the changes ahead of her, especially with returning to school. After the session we sent the young people information to help them reflect on the topics from the video call, encouraging them to talk to their friends or family about how they were feeling.
A week later, Eloise’s Mum got in touch with us to say “Eloise went back to school today. Thank you so much for helping her to relax and feel more comfortable about returning to school: she’s been so much happier since speaking to you and it’s like a weight’s been lifted from her shoulders!”
*not her real name