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Charity’s garden transformed by volunteers to help local young people
8th July 2019
Young people being supported by No Limits have a new therapeutic place to enjoy, thanks to a team of volunteers from British Gas and The Prince’s Trust Team Programme.
British Gas and The Prince’s Trust Team Programme made up of 16-25 year olds out of education, training or work, fundraised for the plants and tools before drawing up the designs to give the garden a makeover. They cleared the old fencing panels and old flower beds, put in new raised beds, planted new vegetables and flowers, created a sensory garden and dotted solar lighting across the garden. The young people also splashed some colour over the benches to brighten up the space and make it fun and vibrant for children and young people to enjoy.
Darcie, a team member on the Princes Trust Team Programme, delivered by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “’I am really glad I got to do this project as No Limits have helped me massively and it was a way of giving something back.
“If I’d had the opportunity to use these facilities while I was supported by No Limits, it would have helped me even more.”
Matt Baker, Senior Consumer Vulnerability Manager at British Gas said: “It was such a privilege to be able to support No Limits – we were absolutely bowled over by the quality and the range of work they do to support vulnerable young people in and around Southampton and they made us feel so welcome and valued too.”
Prince’s Trust Team Programme Leader Ceri, said: “It was great to see our team engage with a project that will benefit those like them in the community. This project has benefitted their personal development, increased their skill set and confidence while making a real difference in their community.
“The transformation of the garden from an overgrown wilderness into a peaceful and usable environment for the young people to enjoy is incredible.”